Room Assignments February 2016 Real Estate Brokers Board Exam

The list of examinees room / building / schools assignments in the February 2016 Real Estate Brokers Licensure Examination also known as February 2016 Real Estate Brokers Board Exam is posted here.

The said board exam is given by the board of Real Estate Service and it will be held on February 28, 2016 in the following cities:
Coverage of the Examination:

The one (1) day examination covered the following subjects: General / Fundamentals (a) Fundamental of property ownership; (b) Code of Ethtics and Responsibilities; (c) Legal Requirements for Real Estate Service (R.A. 9646/IRR); (d) Real Estate Laws and Taxation (Agri Law, CARPER, R.A. No. 7160/8424, ect.). Special and Technical Knowledge (a) Subdivision Development (incl., P.D. 957, B.P. 220, P.D. 7279, etc) (b) Condominium Concept and other types of real estate holding (c) Legal Aspect of Sale, Mortgage, and Lease (d) Documentation and Registration, and Professional Practice (a) Real Estate Brokerage Practice (b)Real Estate Finance and Economics (c) Urban and Land Use (d) Planning, Development, and Zoning (e) Basic Principles of Ecology and (f) Basic Appraisal for Real Estate Brokers.

General Instructions:
  1. Your school/building assignment will be posted at the PRC premises two to three working days before the examination. Bring your NOTICE OF ADMISSION when you verify your School / building assignment. Visit you school/building assignment prior to the day of the examination.

  2. Report to the school/building assignment before 6:30 a.m. on the first day of examination to verify your room and seat number. Be punctual, late examinees will not be admitted. Examination Fee of ABSENT examinees will be forfeited.

  3. Examinees are required to wear the following attire every examination day:
    • Male Examinees - White polo shirts or t-shirts with collar, tucked-in
    • Female Examinees - White blouses or t-shirts with collar

  4. Bring the following on examination day:
    1. Notice of Admission
    2. Official Receipt
    3. One (1) piece metered-stamped Window Mailing Envelope
    4. Two or more pencils (No.2)
    5. Ballpen with BLACK INK ONLY
    6. One (1) piece Long Brown Envelope
    7. One (1) piece Long Transparent (non-colored) Plastic Envelope (for keeping your valuables and other allowed items)

  5. The following are PROHIBITED inside the examination premises/rooms.
    2. CELLULAR PHONES, beepers, portable computer or similar gadgets/devices. 
    3. Bags of any kinds (ladies bag and shoulder bags, attache case, backpacks, etc.)
    4. Other examination aides not stated on this program.


  6. Read carefully and follow the instructions on your Notice of Admission and Examination Kit.
PhilBoardResults will update this page immediately once the results are posted by the PRC.

Please always visit our site for more updates in the February 2016 Real Estate Brokers Board Exam results.

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