Region 8 ONSA: March 2017 Civil Service Exam School Assignment

The Civil Service Commission (CSC) will release the school / room assignment of the examinees for Region 8 in the March 2017 Career Service Examination - Pen and Paper Test (CSE-PPT) also known as Civil Service Exam for Professional and SubProfessional level.

The said examination will be held in different regional testing centers nationwide on March 12, 2017 (Sunday).

Region 1 | Region 2 | Region 3 | Region 4 | Region 5 | Region 6 | Region 7 | Region 8 | Region 9 | Region 10 | Region 11 | Region 12 | NCR | CAR | CARAGA | ARMM

CSC Regional Office of Region 8 will conduct the examination in following selected schools in Tacloban City, Catbalogan City and Borongan City.

ONSA (Online Notice of School Assignment) portal is now activated.

CSC-RO 8 - Professional Level

CSC-RO 8 Sub-Professional


Another option to find your school assignment is through the Online Notice of School Assignment (ONSA). You must input your personal information, such as Name, Date of Birth, Email, and Mobile No, then select the Region (where he/she filed his/her application) and Examination Level.

ONSA portal is now activated. it is expected to be available within two weeks before the examination date.

Please always visit for pertinent and updates from CSC about the March 2017 Civil Service Exam.

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