October 2014 (SPLBE) LET / Teachers Board Exam Results, List of Passers, Performance of the Schools

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that the examinees who passed the October 2014 (SPLBE)Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) also known as October 2014 Teachers Board Exam held last October 3, 2014 and given by the Board of Professional Teachers in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; Al-Khobar, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and in Doha, Qatar. 

The said October 2014 Registered Teachers (LET) exam results is posted here, officially released by the PRC.

List of passers - Elementary Level:

Roll of Successful Examinees in the LICENSURE EXAMINATION FOR TEACHERS - ELEMENTARY LEVEL - MIDDLE EAST Held on OCTOBER 3, 2014 & FF. DAYS Released on OCTOBER __, 2014.

Seq. No. N a m e

- List of passers is not yet available -
- List of passers is not yet available -
- List of passers is not yet available -

---------NOTHING FOLLOWS---------

List of passers - Secondary Level:
Roll of Successful Examinees in the LICENSURE EXAMINATION FOR TEACHERS - SECONDARY LEVEL - MIDDLE EAST Held on OCTOBER 3, 2014 & FF. DAYS Released on OCTOBER __, 2014.

Seq. No. N a m e

- List of passers is not yet available -
- List of passers is not yet available -
- List of passers is not yet available -

---------NOTHING FOLLOWS---------

Performance of the Schools Elementary Level:

- Performance of the school of the schools is not yet available -
- Performance of the school of the schools is not yet available -
- Performance of the school of the schools is not yet available -

Performance of the Schools Elementary Level:

- Performance of the school of the schools is not yet available -
- Performance of the school of the schools is not yet available -
- Performance of the school of the schools is not yet available -

Please always visit philboardresults.blogspot.com for more updates in SPLBE - October 2014 Registered Master Electricians (RME) Licensure Examination.

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