Room Assignments in July 2014 Nutritionist-Dietitians Board Exam

Regulatory Board of Nutrition and Dietetics and PRC announces that the list of room assignments for July 2014 Nutritionist-Dietitians Licensure Examination also known as July 2014 Nutritionist Dietitians Board Exam is posted here.

The said examination will be held on July 30-31, 2014 in cities of Manila and Zamboanga.

This year Nutritionist Dietitians exam cover the following topics: Nutritional Biochemistry and Clinical Dietetics (35%), Community and Public Health Nutirtion (30%) and Foods and Food Service Systems (35%) with total of 100%.

General Instructions for Examinees:
  1. Your school/building assignments will be posted at the PRC premises two or three working days before the examination. Bring your Notice of Admission when you verify your school/building assignment. Visit you school/building assignments prior to the day of the examination.

  2. Report to the school/building assignment before 6:30 A.M. on the first day of examination to verify your room and seat number. Be punctual, late examinees will not be admitted.

  3. Examinees are required to wear their school uniform per Resolution No. 311 Dated May 18, 1994.

  4. Bring the Following on examination day:
    1. Notice of Admission
    2. Official Receipt
    3. One piece metered-stamped window mailing envelope
    4. Two or more pencils (No. 2)
    5. Ball pens with BLACK ink only
    6. One piece long brown envelope
    7. One piece long transparent/plastic envelope (for keeping your valuable and other allowed items)

  5. The following are PROHIBITED inside the examination premises/rooms.
    1. Books, notes, review materials, and other printed materials containing coded data/information/formula.
    3. CELLULAR PHONES, beepers, portable computers or similar gadgets/devices.
    4. Bags of any kind (ladies bag, shoulder bags, attache' case, backpacks, etc.)
    5. Other examination aids not stated on this program shall not be brought inside the examination building.


  6. Read carefully and follow the instruction on your Notice of Admission and Examination Guide.

Please visit time to time for more details and updates for July 2014 Nutritionist-Dietitians Licensure Examination.

You can also view here the Board Exam Results of the July 2014 Nutritionist-Dietitians Board Exam once officially released by the Professional Regulation Commission.

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