Online Application in Philippine Military Academy Entrance Examination (PMAEE) is Now Available

Online application in Philippine Military Academy (PMA) Entrance Examination (PMAEE) for AY 2013-2014 is now available. The said entrance examination will be held on August 25, 2013 in 37 testing centers nationwide. 

According to PMA Admission, there are two (2) options on how to secure documents in application for PMAEE at the convenience of the interested applicant: via online and traditional ((manual via mailing of scanned docs or hand carry to the Office of the Cadet Admission).

How to apply for the online application system?

For online application, all interested applicants must submit High School Form 137 and NSO copy of Birth Certificate. Scan all the said documents in pdf file format and attach it to the On Line Application System.

To register, visit the PMA admission page and for applicants with pending PMA Cadetship Application click here.

How to apply using traditional or via mail?

For traditional or via mail, all interested applicants, download new PMA Cadetship application form (click here to download application form), print and fill-up the application form. Then, mail to Office of Cadet Admission together with the following forms: NSO copy of your birth certificate and certified true copy of your High School Form 137 (all documents shall become OCA property). 

Form should be mailed not later than two weeks before the scheduled examination date at this address:

Office of the Cadet Admission
Philippine Military Academy
Fort del Pilar, Baguio City

or hand carry it to the said address.

In order to be accepted for the 2013-2014 PMA Cadetship, the following requirements shall be considered:

Qualifications for Admission:
  1. Natural born Filipino citizen
  2. Physically fit and of good moral character
  3. Single and has never been married
  4. At least High School Graduate
  5. No Administrative/Criminal Case
  6. Must pass the PMA Entrance Examination
  7. Minimum height requirement: 5 feet for both male and female (not to exceed 6’ 4” for both)
  8. Age requirement: Applicants vying to enter PMA on 01 April 2014 should have been born from 01 April 1992 to 01 April 1997.
Note: Applicants younger than 17 years old but at least 16 years old on 01 April 2014 following the date of examination may apply for Cadetship provided that the applicant possesses the above mentioned qualifications. Should the applicant pass the qualifying exam, the procedure in handling underage applicants will apply.

The PMA Entrance Examination covers Algebra and Geometry, Grammar and Composition, Reading and Comprehension, Verbal and Numerical Reasoning and Pattern Analysis. Examination permits will be sent through mail to the address reflected by the applicants in their application forms.

For more questions on your application for the Military Academy, contact the Office of the Cadet Admission:

Tel Nos.
local: 6751 or 6752

Mobile Phone Nos.

Public Information Office:
Philippine Military Academy
Fort del Pilar, Baguio City

Email Address: /


The start of the journey of a Filipino youth who dreams to embrace the profession of arms, through the Philippine Military Academy (PMA), is when he submits his application form to the Office of Cadet Admission(OCA) for processing, so that he can take the Philippine Military Academy Cadet Qualification Test (PMACQT).

For the past 100 years, the officers training school of the Armed Forces in the Philippines is handled by the Philippine Military Academy (PMA). It boast of a long and illustrious history of preparing only the best Filipino men (and, in recent times, women) for military service. 

Please always visit time to time for more details and updates of Philippine Military Academy Entrance Examination (PMAEE) of Academic Year (AY): 2013-2014. 

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