Program Announcement for June 2-3, 2013 Nursing Licensure Examination (NLE)

The Professional Regulatory Board of Nursing (PRBoN) announces the Program of the June 2013 Philippine Nurses Licensure Examination (NLE) also known as June 2013 Nursing Board Exam on June 2-3, 2013 in Manila, Angeles, Baguio, Cabanatuan, Cagayan De Oro, Cebu, Dagupan, Davao, Iloilo, Laoag, Legazpi, Lucena, Pagadian, Tacloban, Tuguegarao and Zamboanga Cities. The said Nurses Licensure Examination program is officially released by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC).

Deadline of Filing of Application:
  • Repeaters: March 29, 2013
  • First timers: April 19, 2013

This Philippine Nurses Licensure Examination consists of Five (5) parts namely:
  1. Nursing Practice I Basic Foundation of Nursing and Professional Practice
  2. Nursing Practice II Community Health Nursing and Care of the Mother and Child
  3. Nursing Practice III Care of Clients with Physiologic and Psychosocial Alternations (Part A)
  4. Nursing Practice IV Care of Clients with Physiologic and Psychosocial Alternations (Part B)
  5. Nursing Practice V Care of Clients with Physiologic and Psychosocial Alternations (Part C)
The tests draw basic knowledge's, skills and attitudes in the major subject areas i.e., Fundamentals of Nursing including Professional Adjustments, Maternal and Child Nursing, Community Health and Communicable Disease Nursing, Nursing of Adolescents, Adults and Aged, and Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing.

The following areas of knowledge will be integrated in each of the above-named subject areas.
  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Pathophysiology
  • Pharmacology and Therapeutics
  • Nutrition and Diet Therapy
  • Parasitology & Microbiology
Nursing process serves as the framework in the nursing care of individuals, families, population groups & communities in various stages of development in health care setting. The focus of nursing care is the promotion of health, prevention of illness, curative & rehabilitative aspects of care, alleviation of suffering & when recovery is not possible, towards a peaceful death.

The examination will test competencies in relation to the eleven (11) key areas of responsibility contained in the Competency Standards of Nursing Practices in the Philippines. These areas are categorized as follows

  1. Safe and quality Nursing Care
  2. Communication
  3. Collaboration & Teamwork
  4. Health Education

      5. Legal Responsibilities
      6. Ethico-Moral-Spiritual Responsibilities
      7. Personal & Professional Development


       8. Management of Resources & Environment
       9. Records Management


       10. Research
       11. Quality Improvements

SUNDAY, JUNE 2, 2013
7:00 AM – 7:45AM
Filing-up of Forms
8:00AM – 10:00AM
Nursing Practice I
(Foundation of Nursing and Professional Practice)
11:30AM – 1:30PM
Nursing Practice II
(Community Health Nursing and Care of the Mother and Child)
2:30PM – 4:30PM
Nursing Practice III
Care of Clients with Physiologic and Psychosocial Alternations (Part A)
MONDAY, JUNE 3, 2013

8:00AM – 10:00AM
Nursing Practice IV
Care of Clients with Physiologic and Psychosocial Alternations (Part B)
11:30AM – 1:30PM
Nursing Practice IV
Care of Clients with Physiologic and Psychosocial Alternations (Part C)

  1. Your school/building assignment will be posted at the PRC premises and at the PRC website ( four to five working days before the examination. Bring your Notice of Admission when you verify your school/building assignment. Visit your school/building assignment prior to the day of the examination.
  2. Report to the school/building assignment before 6:30am on the first day of examination to verify your room and seat number. Be punctual, late examinees will not be admitted.
  3. Attire:
    • Male Examinees - Clinical Uniform with white shoes and white socks but without nameplate, school insignia/logo and pin or School Uniform
    • Female Examinees - Clinical Uniform with white shoes and white socks but without nameplate, school insignia/logo and pin or School Uniform
    • Pregnant Female -White Clinical Scrub Suit
  4. Bring the following on examination day:
    • Notice of Admission
    • Official Receipt
    • One piece metered-stamped window mailing envelope
    • Two or more pencils (No.1 or No. 2)
    • Ball pens with BLACK ink only
    • One piece long brown envelope
    • One piece long transparent/plastic envelope (for keeping your valuables and other allowed items)
    • Non-Programmable Calculators
  5. The following are Prohibited inside the examination premises/rooms.
    • "Bringing inside the examination room of the following: books, notes, review materials and other printed materials containing principles or excerpts thereof, coded data/information/formula which are relevant to or connected with the examination subject, programmable calculators, cellular phones, beepers, portable computers or other similar gadgets/devices. The act shall be considered cheating and / or act of dishonesty and shall be a ground for the cancellation of your examination papers and suspension or debarment from future licensure examinations." (PRC Resolution No. 463 dated November 27, 1996)
    • Bags of any kind (ladies bag, shoulder bags, attache case, backpacks, etc.)
    • Other examination aides not stated on this program shall not be brought inside the examination building.
  6. Read carefully and follow the instruction on your Notice of Admission.
NOTE: PRC will not be answerable for prohibited items that will be lost.

For the copy of June 2013 Nursing Licensure Examination Announcement for Complete Click here

Please visit time to time for more details and updates from PRC this coming June 2013 Nursing Licensure Examination (NLE) Licensure Examination.

You can also view here the Room Assignment and Board Exam Results of the June 2013 Nursing Licensure Examination (NLE) Board Exam once officially released by the Professional Regulation Commission.

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