Program of the February 2013 Marine Engineer Officers Licensure Examination (Theoretical)

The Professional Regulatory Board of Marine Engineer Officers announces the program of the February 2013 Marine Engineer Officers Licensure Examinations (Theoretical) also known as Marine Engineer Officers Board Exam to be held in Manila and Iloilo on February 13 & 14, 2013.
The said examination are categories in Management level - The Chief and Second Marine Engineer Officers and Operational level - Officer In Charge of an Engineering Watch (OIC-EW).

Deadline of filing of application for this examination is until January 24, 2013 only.

7:00 AM – 7:45 AM
General Instructions and Filing-up of Forms
8:00 AM – 11:00 AM
FI – Marine Engineering
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
FII – Electrical, Electronics and Control Engineering
8:00 AM – 11:00 AM
FIII – Maintenance and Repair
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
FIV – Controlling the Operation of the   Ship and Care for Persons on Board

  1. To pass the written examination, an examinee must obtain a weighted general average rating of at least seventy percent (70%) with no grade lower than sixty (60%) in any given subject.
  2. To pass the practical assessment, an examinee obtain a grade at least seventy percent (70%); and
  3. To pass the licensure examination and practical assessment which shall be computed on the basis of the weighted general average rating in the written examination and the grade in the practical assessment with the following equivalents:
                       70% for the Written Examination; and
                       30% for the Practical Assessment

Removal Examination:
  1. An examinee in the written examination who obtained a weighted general average rating of at least seventy percent (70%) but obtained a grade lower than sixty (60%) in any given subject, shall be considered Conditioned and must take the written examination in the subject/s where he obtained a grade lower the sixty percent (60%) within a period of two (2) years from the last examination taken. The examinee shall be deemed to have failed in the examination should he fail to take the examination in the subject/s where he obtained a grade lower than sixty (60%) within a period of two (2) years from the last examination taken; Provided, that if such examinee fails to obtain a grade of at least sixty (60%) in the subject/s re-examined, he shall be considered to have failed in both examination which shall however be deemed as one failure for purposes of the immediately succeeding section; and
  2. An examinee in the practical assessment who obtained a grade lower than seventy percent (70%) in the practical assessment, shall be considered to have failed and shall taken the subsequent practical assessment.

Re-examination – An examinee who failed to pass the written examination or practical assessment for the third time, shall be allowed to take another examination only after the lapse of one year from the last written examination/practical assessment taken.

  1. Your school/building assignment will be posted at the PRC premises two to three working days before the examination. Bring your Notice of Admission when you verify your school/building assignment. Visit your school/building assignment prior to the day of the examination.
  2. Report to the school/building assignment before 6:30am on the first day of examination to verify your room and seat number. Be punctual, late examinees will not be admitted. Examination Fee of ABSENT examinees will be forfeited.
  3. Examinees are required to wear their proper uniform (with corresponding shoulder board and proper haircut) per Resolution No.311 dated May 18, 1994
  4. Bring the following on examination day:
    • Notice of Admission
    • Official Receipt
    • One piece metered-stamped window mailing envelope
    • Two or more pencils (No. 2)
    • Ball pens BLACK ink only
    • One piece long brown envelope
    • One piece long transparent/plastic envelope (for keeping your valuables and other allowed items)
  5. The following are Prohibited inside the examination premises/rooms
    • Books, notes, review materials, and other printed materials containing coded data/information/formula
    • CELLULAR PHONES, beepers, portable computers or similar gadgets/devices.
    • Bags of any kind (ladies bag, shoulder bags bags, attaché case, backpacks, etc.
    • Other examination aides not stated on this program shall not be brought inside the examination building.
  6. Read carefully and follow the instruction on your Notice of Admission and EXAMINEES GUIDE.
NOTE: PRC will not be answerable for prohibited items that will be lost.

To view the complete copy of February 2013 Marine Engineer Officers Licensure Examination Announcement Click here

Please visit time to time for more details and updates from PRC this coming February 2013 Marine Engineer Officers Licensure Examination for Management Level – Chief and Second Marine Engineer Officers and Operational Level – Officer-In-Charge of an Engineering Watch (OIC-EW).

You can also view here the Room Assignment and Board Exam Results of the February 2013 Marine Engineer Officers  Board Exam once officially released by the Professional Regulation Commission.

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