October 14, 2012 PNP / NAPOLCOM Entrance and Promotional Exam Results

The National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) announces that the list of examinees who passed the PNP Entrance and Promotional Examination held last October 14, 2012 and given by the authorities in all regional center nationwide. The result of the said examination is now posted here,  the official results is released.

NAPOLCOM stated that they administered the Philippine National Police (PNP) entrance and promotional examinations last October 14, 2012 with a total of 32,530 examinees in different designated testing centers nationwide.

Vice-Chairman and Executive Officer Eduardo U. Escueta of NAPOLCOM said that 14,988 will take the PNP entrance examination and 17,542 are distributed to the various promotional test categories. He also added that the examinations are covered the qualifying examinations for Police Officer I and the promotional examinations for Police Officers 2 and 3; Senior Police Officer (for SPO1 to SPO4); Police Inspector (for Inspector and Senior Inspector); and Police Superintendent (for Chief Inspector and Superintendent).

According to the NAPOLCOM who administered the whole examination , the PNP entrance test, a requirement for initial appointment to the rank of Police Officer 1 (PO1), only 1,064 (7.95%) out of the 13,387 examinees passed. Of the 15,210 examinees who took the promotional tests, only 2,974 passed with 1,331 (17.29%) in the Police Officer exam, 1,373 (21.54%) in the Senior Police Officer exam, 167 (17.92%) in the Inspector exam and 103 (50.49%) in the Superintendent exam.

    Please always visit philboardresults.blogspot.com for more updates in October 2012 PNP / NAPOLCOM Examination results.

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