Room Assignments February 2012 Physicians (Medicine) Licensure Examination

The Professional Regulatory Board of Medicine announces that the list of room assignments of the examinees for the February 2012 Physicians / Medicine Licensure Examination (MD) (Complete and Final Prelim) and also known as Physicians / Medicine Board Exam is posted here, officially released by the PRC.

The said Examination will be held in the cities of Manila, Cebu and Iloilo on February 19-20 and 26-27, 2012. This post will be updated as soon as the Professional Regulation Commission released the official room assignments.

1. Examinees should report before 6:30 in the morning every examination day. LATE EXAMINEES WILL NOT BE ADMITTED.

2. Bring the following: Notice of Admission (NOA), Official Receipt, pencils no. 1 or 2, black ball pens, metered-stamped window mailing envelope, long brown and long plastic envelopes.


4. Wear the prescribed dress code.

Room Assignments February 2012 Physicians Licensure Examination:

February 2012 Physicians - Complete

February 2012 Physicians - Finals with Prelims 

Please always visit for more details and updates from PRC in the coming February 2012 Physicians Licensure Examination.

You can also view here the Board Exam Results of the February 2012 Physicians Board Exam once officially released by the Professional Regulation Commission.

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