Room Assignment for Aeronautical Engineers Licensure Examination

The Board of Aeronautical Engineering announces the list of room assignment for the examiners of the November 2011 Aeronautical Engineer Licensure Examinations also known as November 2011 Aeronautical Engineer Board Exam on November 8, 9 and 10, 2011 in Manila, Room assignment is now posted here, officially released by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC).

The job description of Aeronautical engineer applies scientific and technological principles to research, design, develop, maintain and test the performance of civil and military aircraft, missiles, weapons systems, satellites and space vehicles. They also work on the different components that make up these aircraft and systems. 

The role is focused on enhancing high-quality flight safety and standards as well as reducing system costs. Increasingly, the role addresses the environmental impact of air travel. Aeronautical engineering offers a wide range of roles in research, design, development, testing, manufacture and maintenance. Many engineers specialize in a particular area such as propulsion, computational fluid dynamics, aerodynamics or materials and structures. 

Room Assignment for Aeronautical Engineers Licensure Examination:

Please visit time to time for more details and updates  in the  November 2011 Aeronautical Engineer Licensure Examination .

You can also view here the  Board Exam Results of the November 2011 Aeronautical Engineer Board Exam once officially released by the Professional Regulation Commission.

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